About Course
Internet has become the primary platform for communication, purchase, sales, payment and much more. The primary source of internet is the websites which are built using various web technologies. The web technologies are used to store, transfer, process and secure data over the internet.
Web Technology enables several computers in a network to communicate with each other. It acts as an interface between web servers and clients.
Some of the common web technologies used to create web pages are HTML, XHTML,CSS, XML, XSLT, and java script.
- HTML – HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is the primary markup up language used to create web pages. HTML is responsible for displaying controls like text box, list box and buttons on a web page.
- XHTML – XHTML stands for Extensible HyperText Markup Language. It is used for structuring information on a web page.
- CSS – CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is used for changing the styles on a web page. CSS is responsible for displaying font color, size, spacing, and much more.
- XML – XML stands for Extensible Markup Language. XML is used for designing the data. XML is responsible for developing custom markup languages.
- XSLT –XSLT stands for XSL Transformations. XSLT uses XSL document to execute operations with the XML document.
- Java Script –Java script is a scripting language used to create code that responds to user actions. Java Script uses HTML and CSS for creating dynamic HTML pages.
There are a vast number of automation tools available in the market for testing web applications. To use the tools effectively, testing professionals should have an understanding about web technologies that are used to create web applications.
Starting from the basics, we train you on all the popular web technologies that are used to build web pages and web applications. Our experienced trainers train you on how to use various automated tools used to test web applications effectively and efficiently.
HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language.HTML is the most widely used for building web pages. HTML decides on the contents that need to be displayed on a web page.HTML uses a set of markup tags used for describing the web page contents. The HTML files are saved using either .HTML or .HTM extension.
HTML documents consist of both HTML tags and plain texts. HTML tags come in pairs and are surrounded by angle brackets. The first tag is known as the start tag and the second tag is known as the end tag. The text written between the start and the end tag is known as the element content. HTML tags are not case sensitive.
HTML tags are categorized into two types namely physical tags and logical tags. Physical tags are used for formatting the text that is enclosed like changing the text to bold, italic, superscript and subscript. Logical tags are used for describing the text that is enclosed like strong, code, variable, and cite.
Advantages of HTML:
- HTML is supported by most of the browsers
- Available as an open source
- Used to create consistent and efficient web pages
- Easy to understand
- Supports search engine compatibility
- It is easy to maintain and upgrade HTML
- HTML pages take less time for loading
- Provides an attractive look and feel for users
- Highly flexible and user friendly language
We teach you about HTML tags, HTML elements, and HTML attributes in detail. Our trainers guide you through the concepts using simple sample programs that are easy to understand. We also provide you real time projects that give you good experience coding in HTML.
As internet is widely used by everyone, new web applications are emerging every day. To become a QA professional it is necessary to know how a web application functions. Our experts provide training on the various automation tools that are available for testing web applications and HTML. We teach you all the scenarios with which you can perform effective testing.
Course Content
HTML Online Training
Web – Introduction
Internet Based Services
Introduction to HTML
Overview of HTML versions
Introduction to XHTML
HTML Comments
HTML – Elements
HTML – Tags
Head Section Tags
Body Section
HTML Special Characters or HTML Entities
HTML Presentational or Formatting Tags
HTML Headings
HTML Images
HTML – Links
HTML – Tables
HTML – Lists
HTML Forms
Introduction HTTP
HTML “Computer Output” Tags
HTML Citations, Quotations, and Definition Tags
HTML Grouping Tags
HTML Layouts
HTML Scripts
HTML Colors
Web Hosting
W3C Removed Tags
Introduction HTML5